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3D scan Klinik Danau Kota

Sebab scan 3D haritu tak nampak sangat muka baby (blogged about it here), I decided to do another 3D scan, this time dekat Klinik Danau Kota. Tak susah pun cari, waze je. Dia sebenarnya dekat Jalan Gombak, tepi jalan je and senang parking.

Masa ni sebenarnya dah 32 weeks, dalam perut pun dah sempit tapi doa je lah semoga nampak. Semangat makan kenyang kenyang and doa baby tak tidur sebab biasanya dia aktif kalau lepas makan kenyang.

Klinik ni best sebab doctor bagi explanation yang jelas pasal baby. Doctor cerita semua features baby, berapa besar kepala, kaki, tangan, compare kan dengan bacaan yang normal so rasa lega lah sikit. Doctor cerita tanda tanda kalau ada possibilities kena c-sect, and bacaan air ketuban berapa.

Basically happy sebab boleh dengar penjelasan doctor dengan detail. Doctor pun baik, lembut je and cantik hehe. 

And alhamdulillah, baby bagi kerjasama. Dapat tengok muka baby walaupun dia macam marah je hahaha

Hey there baby :)

Harga promosi semua tu boleh tengok dekat facebook or instagram, or senang terus call je! 2D scan and detailed scan pun ada jugak.

Boleh follow & visit instagram @klinik.danaukota here or their facebook Klinik Danau Kota Jalan Gombak here :)

Review: DreamGenii Pregnancy Pillow

Why I bought this:
I've been searching for the perfect maternity pillow that can support my tummy while sleeping during my pregnancy, since it's best to sleep on your side during pregnant. I've been browsing Lazada but I don't like the majority of the designs. It's too big, it will take up half the bed!

See, the size is just nice!

Why I love this:
I bought this during my second trimester. At first I just wanted to sleep with it, but after trying to travel with this pillow, I'll never ever gonna travel without this thaangg!

I commute everyday to work and normally it's an one hour journey (plus minus). Less back pain, and more comfortable sleeping (read: snuggling) with this pillow. The most comfortable thing ever! Kalau macam ni, travel from Johor to Kelantan pun I sanggup with this pillow :p

However for sleeping, it's a bit uncomfortable (for me). The only thing I like about this pillow that it's not that bulky, tak rasa macam ada orang ketiga dalam katil tu jugak. It's like a love hate relationship. Sometimes I'll use it properly, sometimes just to 'sendal' my back, sometimes I'll throw it on the floor.

Buuuuut, when the baby arrives, this thing is very useful! I use it to breastfeed my baby and again, it's veryyy comfortable! I have no regrets on buying this pillow cause I use it everyday and it ease my pregnancy & breastfeeding day A LOT.

Sometimes, my baby also sleeps with this pillow and she seems to be more comfortable in this pillow.

The cover is also removable and washable so I can wash it easily if it's get dirty.

I'd really recommend this pillow for pregnant ladies who travel everyday and want some extra comfort. In terms of sleeping, ada ke tak, I tidur lena je so I don't really know whether it really helps to make you sleep better or not. For travelling, YES PLEASE. Bila balik kerja penat penat masuk kereta, terus rasa indahnya dunia ini bila peluk bantal.

What I don't love this:
It's white. It's actually not an issue because I love white, but the hassle of cleaning it and the price for it's extra cover is RM70! Other cover designs are not available in Malaysia. (Or I yang tak jumpa cari?)

And, the price itself is already priceyyy (I bought this for almost RM300).

Where to buy:
I bought this from Mothercare Pavillion. I think all Mothercare's outlet have this.

*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I bought this using my own money.

Insentif Perkahwinan Belia Selangor

Since kitorang kahwin dulu masa belajar (2015), saja lah google, ada tak any insentif or elaun yang dapat kalau kahwin (amboi gatai nya), lepastu jumpa Insentif Perkahwinan Belia untuk orang Selangor. RM500 sorang okay! Terus semangat nak apply :P

Insentif Perkahwinan Belia Selangor
Insentif Perkahwinan Belia Selangor

Yang ni ambil dekat Pejabat ADUN Kajang.

Syarat-syarat untuk dapatkan Insentif Perkahwinan Belia Selangor (dari website sini):

1. Terbuka kepada semua kaum.
2. Tiada sebarang had pendapatan.
3. Lahir di Negeri Selangor atau telah bermastautin di Negeri Selangor selama 10 tahun (perlu pengesahan ADUN / Penghulu / Pengerusi JKKK / Pengerusi Taman).  - Kitorang tak lahir dekat Selangor, tapi menetap dekat Selangor lebih 10 tahun. Nikah pun, tak nikah dekat Selangor.
4. Perkahwinan kali pertama sahaja. - Jangan nak mengada ngada kahwin banyak kali sebab nak dapat insentif ni okay, tak dapat bro
5. Pengantin lelaki atau perempuan tidak melebihi usia 35 tahun semasa tarikh bernikah atau pendaftaran.
6. Permohonan hanya terbuka kepada perkahwinan / pernikahan / berdaftar pada tahun SEMASA.
7. Sah laku permohonan dalam tempoh 3 bulan bermula dari tarikh nikah (bagi pasangan Islam) atau tarikh daftar perkahwinan (bagi pasangan bukan Islam). -Dah lepas tiga bulan, tak boleh apply tau, kena within 3 bulan dari tarikh nikah!

What we did was, lepas nikah, terus bukak Akaun Tabung Haji (kalau takde lagi) sebab duit insentif ni masuk dekat Tabung Haji. Jangan lengah lengah okay!

Lepastu prepare documents untuk Insentif Perkahwinan Belia Selangor:
1. Salinan IC
2. Sijil nikah
3. Salinan front page buku Tabung Haji
4. Salinan sijil berhenti sekolah (sebab nak make sure betul betul duduk Selangor dah 10 tahun)

And then salinan and borang ni semua kena disahkan tau, so kitorang pergi jumpa pengerusi taman kawasan kitorang untuk dia cop. Lepastu borang semua hantar dekat pejabat ADUN kawasan korang pun takpe. Sila google kat mana pejabat ADUN kawasan sendiri.

Duit masuk lambat jugak lah, almost 6 months macam tu baru masuk Insentif Perkahwinan Belia Selangor ni. But at least dapat lah kan. Mohon menunggu dengan sabar :)

*Insentif Perkahwinan Belia Selangor ni one off payment tau, bukan elaun bulanan dapat setiap bulan RM500 amboi amboi seronok nya kalau setiap bulan dapat elaun macam ni hehe

Lupa diri

Although we're working in the same company, but we're working in the different team. Sometimes kena pergi client site and Marwan memang most of the time memang duduk client site area Titiwangsa sana while I'm at Bangsar South.

Jauh ok, jauh... #LDR

The only time that we get to bersembang is dalam kereta je lah. Kalau pagi tu, normally I'll sleep la throughout the journey sebab hello kena redah jam almost 90 mins, baik I tidur je hahaha

So today macam biasa, balik kerja Marwan will fetch me at the office and normally we'll stop by mana mana to have our dinner sebelum sampai rumah. Sampai rumah terus tidur je. WHAT A LIFE.

Despite the bad traffic, we talked and talked, update hidup dekat office, gossip sikit, masuk macam macam topic and suddenly, kereta dah sampai depan rumah.


I'm like, "Sayang.... Kenapa tak stop dinner mana mana... Lapar..."

Tu lah kemain seronok bergossip sampai lupa nak makan. Terpaksa la keluar balik cari dinner....

Throwback gambar dua bulan lepas. Sekarang dah 34 weeks pregnant yay! 

38 more days to go.

Our 2017 New Year Celebration

On 31st December 2016, after my family dinner, around 10pm-ish we decided to go to KLCC to see the new year fireworks. I've always wanted to see fireworks at KLCC but last year we arrived late around 11.50pm at KLCC and there's no parking so.... Tak best langsung and stuck in the traffic.

The year before, I'm still single so bahaya anak dara keluar malam malam just to see fireworks haha dah kahwin baru rasa selamat at least pergi dengan suami ha gituuu.

So, we arrived around 10.30 and the traffic was not that bad, so we decided to park at some tower (lupa dah nama dia) but it's only RM10 per entry. Imagine parking dekat KLCC, entah berapa pulak cost kan. Then we walked to KLCC.

It was so meriah! Although the vuvuzella is a bit annoying but it was fun seeing all the crowds!

We went to KLCC park sebab less people but lama lama jadi crowded jugak lagi lagi nak dekat midnight. We lepak at the park sambil cari spot best tengok KLCC.

Our spot, directly facing KLCC.

Approaching midnight, everyone was standing and screaming for the countdown. Beriya menghadap KLCC. Turns out, the fireworks was at the back. So we went towards the tasik there, and there's not so many people so we watched the fireworks while laying down on the grass. So romantic :p

It was so fun, watching the fireworks right in front of your eyes, sambil baring menghadap langit during the night. Best moment ever!

The fireworks lasted for around 8 mins. Then, we walked back to our car. It felt so faaaaar. Took us around 30 mins to reach the car. Nasib baik meriah. 

Conclusion, waited 80 mins to watch 8 mins fireworks. Hahaha at least it was worth it.

Tapi tahun depan nak duduk rumah je please. Dah puas dah 

My contact lens routine

My laci for contact lens.

My fav and everyday contact lens that I've been wearing for almost two years is Alcon Air Optix Aqua, review here!

Tips for the first timer:
  • Jangan pandai pandai beli contact lens online, please go direct to any optical store, the optometrist can suggest you the contact lens that suits you.
  • It's normal kalau tak pandai pakai mula mula. I took around 45mins untuk pakai sebelah mata.
  • Jangan giveup. I almost gave up masa first time, lepastu cakap dalam hati "I can do this!" sebab susah gilaaaaa nak pakai, amenda entah yang susah sangat

Anyways, my normal contact lens routine:
  • I'll buy 4 boxes, satu box contains three lens so 4 boxes ada 12 pieces, boleh pakai for 6 months. Normally bila beli banyak, nanti boleh dapat harga solution dia murah sikit :p #jimat
  • Bila nak pakai for the first time, pakai je macam biasa.
  • At the end of the day, basuh tangan and make sure tangan bersih, remove the lens and rinse with Opticare Saline Solution. This one untuk rinse je lepas pakai and sebelum pakai, tak boleh guna untuk store the lens.
*gambar google sebab dah buang botol dia

Mini review: Quite leceh having two solutions. And this one, cap dia selalu hilang, botol dia besar and berat, susah bawak travel. Andddd, tak semua kedai jual.

  • And then to store the lens, I normally use Alcon Opti-Free Replenish. 
*gambar google sebab dah buang jugak

But since this one dah habis, haritu beli randomly je Bausch + Lomb re-nu ni from Watsons ke Guardian, entah lupa

Mini review: It's good and doesn't irritates my eyes. Cukup lah tu.

So right now, pakai re-nu je to rinse and store my lens.

  • Lepas dah rinse, dah letak lens dalam bekas dia, tutup rapat rapat, simpan. Esok pakai semula.

  • And please discard your lens lepas sebulan. So normally I'll replace my lens every awal bulan so that ingat la bila tarikh last pakai. Kalau pakai lebih dari sebulan, nanti risau mata kena infection kang.
  • For contact lens case, make sure basuh everyday and keringkan!
Some tips:
  • Wear contact lens BEFORE applying your makeup (kalau pakai makeup). I normally wear it right after mandi.
  • You CAN'T share your contact lens.
  • You can wear your lens during shower but be extremely careful. Pernah la pakai sekali dua masa mandi sebab lupa nak remove but better jangan.
  • Remove lens before swimming / any water activities. But I normally tak remove pun lagi lagi pergi holiday, main pantai etc, kalau tak pakai lens nanti tak nampak pulak. But must be extremely careful. Better jangan, nanti menyesal!
Hopefully this post can benefit you guys. Thanks!

Alcon Air Optix Aqua Contact Lens Review

Product name: Alcon Air Optix Aqua

This one is not the coloured ones just the normal clear ones, and boleh guna sebulan. Contains three pieces in each box. Why three? Sebab kalau satu hilang, at least ada backup (katanya).

But for me, since mata dua dua belah tak sama power, beli dua kotak lain lain power, boleh tahan untuk tiga bulan. Normally I'll buy 4 boxes, lagi murah and usually memang ada offer.

What it claims?

  • They are created through extensive research using one of the top technologies, known as the Ultra-Smooth Surface Technology. They create a thin protective layer of moisture over the eye, reflecting and repelling anything that tries to come in contact with the eyes, such as grit, dirt, dust etc. This is why AIR OPTIX contacts feel comfortable and soft throughout the day, instead of getting dry and irritating. - True! I feel very comfortable using it the whole day. Dari pagi sampai malam, no problem. Tak pernah pedih mata and no need eye drops.
  • Apart from the Ultra-Smooth Surface Technology, the AIR OPTIX contact lenses are created with advanced Breathability. They are created with a material that allows 5 times the normal amount of oxygen to reach the eyes, keeping them irritation free and provides anti-redness effect, ensuring comfortable wear throughout the day. -True, mata tak pernah merah pakai this contact lens
  • AIR OPTIX aqua is created using silicone hydrogel that makes wearing contact lenses exceptionally comfortable for day long wear. They are created with advanced wear technology to allow them to be worn continuously for 6 nights and 7 days, without having to be replaced or removed even at night. They take the contact lens experience to the next level, as you only have to remove them once a week for cleaning before placing them back in again. - Oh no, tak pernah try lagi tidur dengan this contact lens, tak berani. Tapi selalu je tidur masa lunch hours bulan puasa, tidur around 1 hour ++ and bila bangun, tak kering pun mata, rasa normal je.
  • These lenses feel so natural that many people actually forget that they are wearing them until it is time to remove and clean them. This is due to the fact that they are created using the TriComfort technology which ensures that the wearers never face the three most commonly experienced issues with contact lenses. - True. I've tried other brands, sometimes rasa macam ada benda dalam mata. This one, tak rasa langsung.

What I love about it?
  • Comfortable!
  • Boleh pakai sepanjang hari and tak risau mata kering. I once wear other brand, pakai more than 8 hours memang pedih and melekat dekat mata, susah sangat nak remove!
  • I can wear it every day!
Price & where to buy?
Normally around RM65++ for one box, and the cheapest I found is RM190 for 4 boxes. You can get them at any optical store!

I got mine at The Mines, tapi lupa dah nama kedai tu hahaha kena rajin compare harga and kalau nak senang, cari kedai yang memang dah ada ready stock!

*not a sponsored post

[Review] LUSH Bubblegum Lip Scrub

Product name: LUSH Bubblegum Lip Scrub

Packaging: Small glass pot

Size: 25g

What it claims:

  • Exfoliate and soften the lips - True!

How to use:

  • Wet your lips with water
  • Scoop out the scrub and rub it all over your lips
  • Rinse it off
  • Wear your fav lip balm afterwards! 

What I love about it:

  • The smell is so so so nice I feel like eating it. So delicious!
  • The pink colour. LOVE.
  • The result after using this scrub. My lips are no longer dry.
  • Smoothen my lips
  • The scrub is gonna last long sebab pakai sikit je so boleh tahan lama

What I don't love about it:

  • The fact that I need to scoop the product with my finger and sometimes tumpah tumpah, membazir pulak rasa.
  • It's hard too remove the product, kena basuh banyak kali untuk hilangkan melekit
  • A bit messy and sticky
Overall thought:

[Review] Laneige Water Sleeping Mask

Product name: LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask

Packaging: Blue plastic jar. Spatula is also provided inside the box.

Size: 70ml

Texture & scent:
Light-gel. Very smooth and the smell is so nice, it really helps nak tidur. Not sticky at all and absorbs well. 

What it claims:
Overnight moisture mask  that hydrates throught the night for clean and glowing skin in the morning. - Which is true!

How to use:
Scoop out the product using the spatula and apply all over your face before going to sleep. I normally apply a thicker layer on my nose and tepi bibir because that area tends to dry more. Then tidur, pagi esok baru basuh. 

But I normally use baskin robin's spoon sebab puas sikit boleh korek lagi banyak instead of the spatula they provided hahaha #tamak

My thoughts:
I love how my skin feels bila bangun pagi. So hydrated and fresh! Totally reduce the dryness of my skin. Kulit pun rasa lembut rasa taknak cuci muka je. It also absorbs and doesn't sit on your skin so bila pakai sebelum tidur, dia akan absorb and takdelah bila guling guling, kena bantal semua kan. I really hope I'm rajin to use this every night! Totally worth buying and I'm so gonna stick to this mask, taknak tukar lain dah.

Price & where to buy:
I got mine from Sephora, RM115. You can also get them online from Althea or Hermo for a much cheaper price (kalau yakin dia original) but for me, I prefer buying from Laneige store or counter. 

My next wishlist is the LANEIGE Lip Sleeping Mask! :P

*Not a sponsored post, bought using my own money

Convocation day!

Alhamdulillah, after 3 semesters of foundation and 9 semesters of degree, I finally graduated with Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics-Computer Information Engineering)

It was quite a journey. Habiskan foundation dalam masa setahun setengah because of course, UIA kan kena belajar Arab and English. Unless memang power Arab & English, boleh lah buat foundation setahun. Yang average average je, tiga semester baru habis haha.

We did a preconvo photoshoot! Sebab I know my husband during second semester of my degree so banyak kenangan dekat UIA so why not photoshoot dekat UIA jugak he he he

This green engineering jacket. At first masuk UIA, I thought siapalah pakai jacket ni, rupanya student engineering kena pakai k jacket ni time masuk lab/workshop. And memang wajib pakai masa subject first year, Workshop Engineering (which I hated the most sebab panas gila dalam workshop). 

Pictures during the convocation day.

My whole family. My backbone. They all came to my graduation day!

My husband, my parents, and my parents in law, who trusted us to kahwin time belajar :p

With my husband and my sister in law. Tiga tiga boleh convo satu session, senang semua sekali gus.

Post convo.

This one is at Taman Saujana Hijau Putrajaya. Macam tempat wajib buat photoshoot je. Sebenarnya teman kakak ipar but alang alang dah sampai, why not. Tapi panas gilaaaaa, sabar je lah.

Anddd, one of the funniest thing, I did an instagram post on kahwin time belajar sempena our convocation which is just for fun lah caption dia (obviously) hahaha and Oh Bulan posted on their website.....

After this, master and PhD maybe? Hahaha #KalauRajin