About toners:
What is the function of toner?
There are many functions of toner. Ramai cakap toner wajib, tak boleh skip, etc etc. But for me, you can skip it if you don't need it atau kulit tak ada masalah. So, whats the function of a toner?
1. Toner penting sebab nak hilangkan kotoran yang tak habis dicuci lepas pakai cleanser? - For me, yeah, kalau that day macam makeup tebal sangat, risau kulit tak habis cuci, so I'll use toner. Tapi normally since I don't do heavy makeup sangat, oil-based cleanser and water-based cleanser is enough.
2. Toner penting untuk kembalikan pH kulit kita? - That is why, you need to use a pH balanced cleanser. Like what I mentioned, here: SKINCARE 101 : LOW PH CLEANSER. So, tak perlu dah toner untuk adjust balik pH kita?
3. Toner penting untuk tutup pores kita? - FYI, pores kita bukan pintu yang boleh dibuka dan ditutup. Pores kita memang size macam tu je. Tapi yes, maybe kalau guna toner, dia bersihkan kulit supaya pores lagi bersih and bila pores kita dah bersih, dia tak nampak obvious sangat. Also, kalau guna hydrating toner, boleh buat kulit lagi lembap and pores nampak less obvious.
Also read: Cara kecilkan pores?
Also read: Cara kecilkan pores?
When do I use toner?
I normally use toner, bila perlu. Bila perlu tu, bila?? Bila I rasa kulit macam kering sangat, atau dehydrated, barulah pakai toner. Hydrating toner. Nak pakai toner pun kena tahu jugak, kenapa pakai toner ni. Jangan la sebab semua orang pakai toner, awak pun nak pakai toner tapi taktahu kenapa.
Jenis-jenis toner:
1. pH adjusting toner / Acid toner - Untuk adjust balik pH value kulit kita. Contohnya, Cosrx AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner. Yang toner jenis macam ni, dia ada AHA/BHA dalam toner tu.
2. Hydrating Toner - Yang ni toner untuk melembapkan kulit and prepare kulit supaya dapat absorb the next skincare pulak. And I love this kind of toner, sebab dia boleh buat kulit lagi lembap! For oily skin pun sesuai jugak.
3. Astringents - Yang ni toner yang ada kandungan alcohol yang tinggi. People claim yang orang oily skin, elok pakai toner yang ada alcohol supaya kurang sikit berminyak. But my personal opinion, avoid this. Whether you have dry or oily skin, avoid alcohol in your toner. Sebab kulit tak ada apa apa protection lagi, lepastu letak toner yang ada alcohol, mungkin akan buat kulit pedih. This is just my opinion. If you still wanna use alcohol in your toner or rasa okay, up to you.
1. Muji Light Toning Water. Review: MUJI LIGHT TONING WATER REVIEW
Yang ni ok la, good for normal - dry and sensitive skin.
2. Skin Food Premium Lettuce & Cucumber Toner. Review: [REVIEW]: SKIN FOOD PREMIUM LETTUCE & CUCUMBER WATERY TONER
This used to be my fav toner, very suitable for dry skin, terus rasa moisturized gila kulit, rasa melekit lekit in good way? But I love it. Oily skin tak sesuai kot sebab takut makin melekit.
3. Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner
Yang ni sample size je, dapat from Hermo masa beli apa entah. Not really hydrating for dry skin like me. Rasanya suitable for normal, combination or oily skin kot.
4. Hada Labo Hydrating Lotion
This is one of the famous product yang dapat banyak gila great reviews! Sebab dia ada Hyaluronic Acids and memang bagus, really hydrating. I first thought lotion tu macam moisturizer, rupanya Japan punya term, lotion tu toner. I think yang ni sesuai for all skin types. Dia tak melekit and absorbs really quick!
5. COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner
Yang ni pH adjusting toner. I pakai once a week je, as a chemical exfoliator walaupun dia mild sebenarnya. Taktahu la berkesan ke tak haha
6. Son & Park Beauty Water
Baru pakai a few times, setakat ni okay lah. This is one of my wishlist, lama gila kumpul duit nak beli, finally dapat pun. I love the smell, bukan bau wangi, tapi entah la, macam soothing gitu. Nanti I buat full review.
That's all, thanks for reading!
(Disclaimer: This is not a paid/sponsored review. I bought all the products using my own money. Every skin is different. What works for me, might not work for you. This is just my personal experience)