Sharing my experience with Wishtrend!
I first noticed Wishtrend TV sebab ada banyak videos about skincare tips yang best dekat youtube. Although dia asyik sebut product yang sama je berulang ulang sampai dah hafal (Klairs) hahaha tapi takpelah. Tips tips dia yang penting tu.
Wishtrend Website
They have korean products. Yang I suka, Klairs, Cosrx, Tiam (sister of Cosrx). And some products are cheaper than Hermo & Althea! Tapi kena tengok and compare betul betul.
Wishtrend payment in Malaysia
Boleh bayar pakai Paypal, credit card or MolPay.
Bila ada MolPay, of course ada Maybank2u. So yes, senang je. No need credit card. Pakai Maybank2u pun boleh. Dia dah siap convertkan USD to MYR siap siap
So easy!
Wishtrend Shipping to Malaysia
Free worldwide shipping above $69 which is around RM280+ . Tapi I takde lah nak shopping banyak macam tu. So the second option, go to the free shipping option!
Maksudnya, beli je apa apa barang yang dekat free shipping ni, tak perlu bayar shipping. I bought only $14.99 (around RM62+) and dapat free shipping!
The delivery method:
The expected time arrival was 15-30 business day. But for me, it only took 7 days (including weekends). By right, only 5 working days! Quite impressive! I am happy. They are using Skynet.
Semua okay, even though I ordered serum, tapi takde spill apa. My expectation was low. So it was okay. Semua bubble wrapped. Semua sampai dengan selamat. I am satisfied. Tapi no fancy packaging la. Just dalam plastik biasa je.
What I bought?
Vitamin C Serum and some Klairs samples!
About the products, I'm gonna review later :)
Discount code
Use this discount code and get USD5 off.
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Disclaimer: I am not sponsored :P
Thanks for reading!