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[Review & Tips] Coconut Oil

*This is not a sponsored post.

The first time I heard about the benefit of coconut oil is from youtube. And then I did my own research and terus terpengaruh nak try.

Nutro Coco Virgin Coconut Oil. 

I bought this from Mercato, Pavillion for RM18.90. Dekat Jaya Grocer, Cold Storage and even AEON pun ada jugak.

Why I bought this Coconut Oil (and reviews!)

1. To remove my makeups! Normally I'll tuang the coconut oil on the cotton pad and slowly remove my makeups. Sometimes I'll massage the oil on my skin, lepastu hilangkan semua makeups pakai cotton pad. Macam cuci muka. Semua mascara yang waterproof, semua senang nak remove. Quick and effective! Lepas dah hilang semua makeup, baru cuci muka pakai the normal cleanser. So this coconut oil can also be used as oil cleansing. Tak perlu beli banyak banyak produk lain dah.

2. This coconut oil also moisturize the skin, because the normal makeup remover sometimes will irritates or make your skin tight/dry. Hence, my skin becomes softer and moisturized, tak kering. Another plus point!

3. As a lip moisturizer! Pakai dekat bibir so that bibir tak kering sangat!

4. Hair treatment. Apply generous amount dekat rambut, pakai shower cap and wait for one-two hours. Lepastu bilas and basuh rambut. Result: Your hair will become more soft and shiny. And smells nice too! (If you're a fan of coconut scent). Do it once a week is enough.

5. Great for dry skin! But for me, it's a bit oily kalau nak letak dekat kulit. Macam, letak minyak dekat kulit kan, of course berminyak.... Tapi letak sikit sikit okay lah! I'd prefer using a lotion.

6. A a shaving cream. Takde lah sore sangat kulit tu.

7. Prevent stretch marks! Sapu dekat perut and tempat tempat berkaitan during pregnancy.

Other beauty use of Coconut Oil that I haven't tried yet, (TAPI KENA TRY)

1. Breath freshener. Kumur pakai coconut oil, because it can help to clear the germs inside your mouth. This technique is known as 'oil pulling' -- Okay, kumur pakai minyak... Tak pelik ke rasa dia??

2. Undereye cream, because it has anti-aging properties and prevent wrinkles.

3. Itch relief & insect repellent. 

4. Moisturizer. Apply thin layer on your skin and remove the excess oil with a towel.

Andd, the main reason why I love coconut oil, is because it is NATURAL. Tak risau lah chemical pelik pelik nak letak dekat muka, kulit and rambut. And I loooooove the smell <3

Hope this post will help you guys xxx

Of girlfriends and Abby's Bachelorette Party

As a typical 20-something lady, it's common having friends that are getting engaged, getting married, expecting or having babies!

And since one of our friend, Abby, is getting married, we decided to throw a surprise party! Eh takde lah party sangat pun. We book a venue, buy some balloons, flowers, sash and a crown to celebrate the bride to be! The theme was supposed to be pink, but... Sorry lah I lupa ingatan and came with almost all black attire macam berkabung.

What we did:

Aliah prepared a list of questions for us to play, and Abby will tell whether what we answered was correct or not. Soalan first dah kantoi, "When is her birthday" hahaha dasar kawan tak guna betul.

What we ordered:

Zoo Keeper's Meal: Salmon, Chicken Ham, Chicken Sausage, Fried Chicken, Egg, Mushroom, Hash Brown and Salad.

And some waffles which Yaya ordered!

Macam biasa bila jumpa, kena tangkap gambar banyak banyak, and of course update pasal isu semasa diri sendiri, and gossips!

And yesterday, Alhamdulillah, Abby dah sah menjadi isteri orang dengan sekali lafaz.

As the bridemaids, we ordered the same outfit. Walaupun I busy kerja, gigihlah ukur diri sendiri and bagi ukuran. And although I menyampah pakai shawl, takpe demi Abby, I pakai juga.

One selfie with the bride right before Akad Nikah. Happy Married Life Abby & Zurin!

Important tip untuk yang bakal kahwin: Please make sure your future husband still let you go out and socialize with your girl friends, okay? Unless, if you don't want to socialize lah after getting married :P

That's why my mum always remind me, dah kahwin nanti jangan lupa kawan. Always have your own circle of friends who you know you can always count on :)

[Review] Innisfree Super Volcanic Clay Mousse Mask


At first I was very sceptical about Korean brand. Diorang memang dah cantik, buat apa pakai produk cantik cantik. But after reading some few reviews, and about Innisfree, I reaaaally wanted to try their products! 

So I bought Innisfree Super Volcanic Clay Mousse Mask. I like their packaging! 

Product info: A mask with Micro Clay Mousse containing Super Volcanic Clusters that is effective at absorbing excessive sebum and fine dust stuck between small pores and wrinkles. (Based on their website) 

Basically untuk bersihkan pores dari sebarang kotoran and ketatkan pores. Supaya kulit muka lagi bersih, cantik flawless!

 One of the reason why I bought this one instead of the normal jar yang famous tu is because it has a pump so it's more hygienic, no need to scoop it from the jar. You just press the pump je.

The texture is sooo creamy and best letak dekat muka. Just make sure you don't press it too much, membazir namanya.

My review:

My skin is a bit dry, so when I use this mask, it will reaaaaally tighten my skin and pedih sangat, so I stopped using it. Definitely a no no for me, very drying! 

But that's okay. Nasib baik ada orang lain yang boleh guna.

For example, this guy.

These guys pun boleh jugak. (Kesian adik adik kena tadah je muka)

At last, bagi diorang je pakai. I tried to religiously force my husband to use this mask, at least once a week but of course kena pakai kan.

How to use it?

Sapu dekat muka, avoid kawasan mata and bibir. Rinse it with lukewarm water after 15-20 minutes.

  • Remove impurities, blackheads etc etc. Dia tarik semua kotoran lagi lagi dekat area hidung.
  • Brighten up the skin. Kalau pakai ni malam, esok pagi nya mesti nampak lagi cerah and bersih sikit muka daripada biasa.
  • Not messy, easy to apply!
  • Your face will feel clean and smooth
  • Suitable for oily skin
  • Tighten the pores
  • Not suitable for dry skin (or just me)
  • Dehydrating! Need to use moisturizer lepas guna this mask. Unless you have a very oily skin.

Price: RM70
Weight: 100 ml

Where to get: Innisfree stores, available in Sunway Pyramid, Pavilion, Paradigm Mall, and KLCC!

Too bad, I can't enjoy this product but at least orang lain boleh guna! This product has so many great reviews. I'd highly recommend you this product if it suits your skin. Hope you can benefit this post.

*Bought with my own money. Not a sponsored post.

[Review & Comparison] Garnier, Maybelline & Sephora Micellar Water

Basically, micellar water is a makeup remover that removes your makeup and cleanse your face. Just tuang je atas cotton pad and wipe your face with it. For eyes, you can soak your eyes for about 15 seconds before wiping your eye makeup away. It is gentle, so you don't even have to rinse your face. Kalau malas, sebelum tidur, boleh cuci je makeup pakai micellar water and cotton pad lepastu terus tidur. Tak payah nak cuci muka dah. (But I'll always wash my face lepas tu, sebab nak lagi yakin)

Sephora Triple Action Cleanser Water, Maybelline Micellar Water and Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

Sephora Triple Action Cleansing Water

Product info: Capture impurities and remove makeup from face and eyes. Contains soothing calendula extract for absolute comfort. Ultra light, leaves the skin soft and refreshed.

Price: RM49 for 200ml. (RM0.25/1ml)

Where to find: Any Sephora Outlet.

Maybelline Micellar Water. Clean Express Miracle Water.

Product info: Removes light makeup, trapped dust and dirt. Hydrates. Freshens like a toner. No need to rinse. No alcohol, fragrance and oil.

Price: RM19.90 for 120ml (RM0.17/ml)

Where to find: Any Watson, Guardian, Maybelline counter.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water.

Product info: Purifies and remove makeup in 1 gesture. Captures and lifts away residue from fac, eyes and lips like a magnet. Non-sticky, non-oily and without perfume, suitable for all skin including sensitive skin.

Price: RM9.90 for 125ml (RM0.08/ml)

Where to find: Any Watsons or Guardian outlet.


Before applying the micellar waters.

After applying Sephora Triple Action Cleansing Water. (Focus on the left) Can easily remove eyeshadow, eyeliner and blusher.

After applying Maybelline Micellar Water (Focus in the middle) Can easily remove eyeshadow, eyeliner and blusher. Hardly removes the Colourpop liquid lipstick. Tapi Colourpop memang susah nak remove pun.

After applying Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water. (Focus on the right) Can easily remove eyeshadow, eyeliner and blusher and slightly lipsticks.


Sephora's Triple Action Cleansing Water is not really suitable to remove lipsticks, sebab dia rasa pahit bila kena dekat bibir. Totally not loving it. And it contains fragrance, which kind of irritates my skin a bit. Guna sekali sekala bila desperate, okay kot.

For Maybelline's, it kind of making my skin a bit tight and dry after using it. It is also a bit sticky so lagi selesa cuci muka lepas pakai, although dia kata no need to rinse. But maybe just because of my dry skin.

I'd prefer Garnier Micellar Water because it is very affordable, and the cheapest among three. RM0.08/ml je! It removes my makeup enough, sebab normally memang tak pakai heavy makeup pun, so this one is enough for me. It doesn't dries my skin at all.

Cons, all these micellar water can't remove waterproof mascara. Kena pakai normal makeup remover or I'd normally use coconut oil.

Garnier Micellar Water is highly recommended kalau nak affordable and effective makeup remover! Totally worth the hype!  It's small, so I can just campak campak dalam bag. And I love it because it's pink! (Takde kaitan)

I hope you found this post helpful.


*Bought all these products with my own money. Not a sponsored post.

First trimester

Lepas dah confirm pregnant (6weeks++), the first thing Marwan beli, Vitamin C and lotions to prevent stretch marks. Amboi. Lepastu beli buku pregnancy sikit.

Sampai tiga botol beli. Buat stok.

Beli dekat BookXcess, Fahrenheit88 yang sebelah Pavi tu. Semua buku murah murah!

Since early pregnancy tu bulan Ramadhan, takde lah rasa mabuk sangat. Nak dekat dekat raya baru rasa tak lalu makan tapi other than that, okay je. Masa Aidilfitri, I was about 7 weeks pregnant.

Second Aidilfitri as husband and wife, and 7 weeks pregnant :)

Lepas je raya, masa 8 weeks pregnant, mula dah drama muntah tu. Pagi petang siang malam tak kira masa, kalau rasa nak muntah, memang muntah je. Pagi muntah, sebelum masuk office muntah jap dalam kereta, dekat office muntah, balik rumah muntah. Memang forever ada bekalan plastik dalam bag and dalam kereta.

Mengandung starter pack. Duduk kat office, makan asam nak hilangkan mabuk, sapu minyak cap kapak sebab mabuk and pakai vicks dekat hidung sebab nak hilangkan semua bau pelik pelik (perfumes etc)

Siap combo dengan tak lalu makan. Semua ayam, daging, seafood memang tak boleh tengok. Semua bau makanan yang suka makan sebelum ni, Boat Noodle ke McD ke KFC ke sushi ke pizza ke, semua tak boleh bau. Semua muntah. Yang boleh makan, nasi dengan sup je. Tambah sayur sikit bagi tak hambar. Dah lah masa tu raya, open house sana sini. Sebelum sampai je rumah sesiapa, muntah siap siap dalam kereta, lepastu tak makan langsung. Minum air je. It was bad sebab semua benda tak boleh makan!

Because of that, berat turun dari 53kg sebelum pregnant, jadi almost 45kg. Nak dekat 8kg jugak lah turun sebab tak boleh nak makan apa apa.

Ada satu hari tu, tiba tiba teringin nak makan tomyam. Marwan bawak pergi makan tomyam and makan habis nasi sepinggan. Balik dari kedai, rasa mabuk nak muntah. Marwan dah macam, "Sabar Sayang sabar! Jangan muntah. Sayang lah makanan tu!" Cewah dia ingat muntah boleh tahan tahan. Memang sayu je lah mengenangkan semua nasi tu keluar balik, padahal sebelum tu dah kemain kenyang dah makan.

Nasib baik lah semua muntah muntah dalam plastik tu, semua Marwan dengan rela hati buangkan dalam tong sampah, walaupun tutup hidung. Kalau tak sempat ambil plastik, dia lah tolong bersihkan semua, tepuk tepuk belakang kasi lega sikit.

Selain dari tu, tak boleh bau sabun Dettol yang selama ni memang selalu pakai. Asal bau je, muntah. Lepastu memang tak pakai terus sebab memang totally muntah. Bau sabun pelik pelik, bau toilet yang ada spray perfume tu, bau perfume yang Marwan pakai, semua muntah. Tahpape perangai.

During first trimester ni, makan ubat folic acid je. Tu pun kadang kadang lupa. Susu apa pun tak minum sebab tak lalu. Berdoa je lah dalam hati asalkan baby sihat dan membesar dengan jayanya. Nasib baik doctor kata takpe, pregnancy is a natural process. Terlupa tu biasa lah, hehe. Berjalan pun tak larat. Kalau tak kerja, sepanjang weekend tu baring je. Malam pun tidur awal. Kiranya life kerja je ada, lepastu ada masa terluang, memang akan tidur.

Nak shopping pun tak larat, sampai naik wheelchair sebab penat. (Tapi shopping Sephora tu sempat lagi tau zzz)

Alhamdulillah, bila masuk second trimester, muntah pun dah berkurang. Sebelum ni muntah sehari 3-4 kali tu biasa. Masuk second trimester, dah kurang sikit. Selang sehari je macam tu.

Summary of my first trimester: MUNTAH.

How we found out we're pregnant!

Since kitorang kahwin masa tengah belajar, and dua dua belum ready nak ada orang ketiga dalam perhubungan (tak puas bercinta kononnya), so having a baby is a no-no to us, yet. At least habiskan belajar dulu, baru fikir.

Bila tengok orang yang lagi lambat kahwin pun dah pregnant, rasa macam hmm nak try. Tapi takut try kang, lekat pulak. Belajar pun tak habis lagi. So relax dulu. Orang tanya bila nak pregnant pun, kitorang relax je. (Sebab memang tengah planning, so kalau pregnant tu maksudnya accident lah tu hahaha)(Nasib baik tak accident)

Walaupun orang kata, first baby jangan plan. Nanti kang bila nak, tak dapat. Tapi takpe. Belum cuba belum tahu, cewah. Padahal sesenyap dah google, cemane kalau nanti nak baby tapi tak dapat, siap google cost IVF lagi, drama betul. Kemain risau. (Nak baby tapi tak ready, tapi nak, tapi takut. #DilemmaWanita)

Marwan pun malas layan drama wanita. Dia kata relax lah, nanti kalau kita try pastu lekat, alhamdulillah. Kalau takde pun, "I can still live with you and only you, baby." (Takdelah dia cakap gitu sangat pun)

Setiap bulan mesti drama, kita nak try ke tak? Marwan macam, "Tak payah lah, kesian nanti awak nak study lagi, nak pregnant lagi, nanti penat, tak larat, mabuk". Sampai lah bulan terakhir study baru dia setuju, sebab dah nak habis belajar kan. Yay!


Seminggu sebelum period due, asyik penat, tak larat. Time tu Ramadhan. Tapi fikir, puasa kot. Tapi takkan la penat sangat, time masak pun boleh nak pitam. Masa hari presentation FYP dah rasa lain macam, rasa penat, tak larat berdiri, rasa nak duduk je. Marwan dah happy, "Sayang pregnant ni. I can feel it. Instinct daddy tu dah ada" Perasan la hang sensorang. Lepas presentation FYP tu, tiga hari lepas tu dah masuk kerja. (Gelojoh betul habis FYP je terus nak kerja) So tak fikir sangat, nervous nak start kerja.

Nak beli pregnancy test pun takut result negative, tapi dah rasa lain macam, ke sebab puasa. So sabar dulu, kerja dulu seminggu. Hari Jumaat habis kerja, lepas terawih, terus eksaited dua orang pi beli pregnancy test. Tunduk tunduk dalam Guardian nak pilih beli yang mana. Tapi kena bersabar, test pagi esok masa sahur.

Pagi pagi bangun sahur kemain awal sebab tak sabar, terus check UPT. Result:

Obviously pregnant. Line kemain terang. Okay.




So kejut Marwan, tunjuk UPT tu. Marwan bangun tidur masih mengantuk, respond dia, "Ala dah tahu dah. Kan kite cakap yang awak memang pregnant dari haritu lagi". Cis, tak eksaited langsung. Tapi ni bukti depan mata ni!

Lepastu terus pi dapur, Ummi tengah nak prepare sahur. Tunjuk dekat Ummi UPT.

"Eh pregnant? Ni expected pregnancy or accident?" (Sebab of course Ummi tahu la kitorang planning taknak baby lagi)

"Dah expect dah pregnant, pasal haritu gatai saja nak try"

Dan kitorang pun sambung sahur. Time ni baru 5 weeks pregnant, based on the last first day period.


Sebab busy dengan kehidupan, nak adjust from study life to working life, lambat sikit pi confirm dengan doctor. Lepas seminggu lebih baru jumpa doctor, nak confirm betul betul pregnant dengan selamat ke tak.

Tapi sebab baru sangat, nak scan pakai ultrasound biasa, ada possibility tak nampak kantung baby. So doctor suggest scan dari bawah. Okayyy......

Rupanya scan dari bawah tu maksudnya dia masukkan benda scan tu ke dalam supaya nampak baby. Telan air liur gak la time scan tu.

Masa ni baru 6 weeks ++. Kecik lagi tapi nampak lah heart beat berdenyut macam kelip kelip pun ada jugak. Expected due date: 17 February 2017. Yay! Time ni I still can't believe that I'm pregnant. 

Masa ni, morning sickness apa semua takde lagi, macam normal je cuma cepat penat. Tu pelik dalam drama kenapa dia muntah muntah dulu, check dekat klinik baru tahu pregnant. Ingatkan nak jugak feeling drama macam tu. Ni tak drama pun!!! Hahaha

So thats the story on how we found out that we're pregnant.


Singapore Half Day Redah Trip

(Post basi dah dua bulan yang lepas sebenarnya)

28th May 2016. It was during study week ada gap sikit exam so saja holiday dekat Johor, tidur dekat Desaru sebab Ayah mertua memang duduk situ so duduk free je lah. Lepastu rasa nak pergi JB la kejap, sebab Sephora tengah sale. Suddenly rasa macam eh dah sampai JB ni, jom lah singgah Singapore. Nasib baik passport memang bawak sebab simpan niat dalam hati nak pujuk suami gi Singapore bila sampai JB. #tips

Padahal dah pukul 2 petang, takde niat pun nak tidur Singapore sebab hello, duit? Tidur bawah jambatan takpelah. So kitorang redah je.

Nasib baik custom sebelah Komtar JBCC je, so lepas shopping dekat Sephora, jalan kaki lintas jalan pergi sana. Dah la jalan jauh gila dalam bangunan tu padahal nak lepas imigresan je pun, dah la sesat dalam bangunan sebab tak survey apa apa, main redah je. Kitorang tukar duit, $1=RM3.

Dah settle cop passport, turun bawah cari bas. Naik je lah bas mana mana asalkan sampai MRT Singapore, pastu pepandai lah kitorang fikir. Naik bas sorang bayar RM1.50 je!!!! (Jakun sikit sebab murah) Bas CW1 tak silap, pergi MRT Kranji. Bas tu perjalanan 10 mins je.

Sampai Singapore, kena turun dulu bas, jalan lagi masuk imigresan dekat Woodlands, beratur, isi borang, cop passport. Lama betul proses ni. Ada lah kot 30 mins. Lepastu naik semula bas pergi MRT Kranji. Tak payah bayar sebab dah termasuk RM1.50 tadi. Dari Woodlands pergi MRT Kranji, 10 mins jugak.

Kena isi borang.

Sampai MRT Kranji, kitorang decide nak pergi Orchard sebab situ ada banyak mall, ingat nak window shopping sikit. Tak beli tourist daily pass $10 sebab fikir ala, bukan nak gi jauh sangat pun kan (kononnya)

Singapore's MRT map.

Nasib baik MRT Kranji tu satu line dengan Orchard, (yang warna merah tuuu) takpayah turun nak train. Tapi lama jugak lah dalam train tu, 40 mins!! Macam dari LRT Gombak ke Kelana Jaya. Hujung ke hujung!

Depan ION Orchard.

Jalan jalan window shopping, acah acah jadi tourist, masuk malls yang ada dekat situ, ada banyak! Tapi semua benda lagi mahal dari Malaysia so cam kayy, balik KL je lah shopping.

The only thing that I bought is from LUSH sebab LUSH takde dekat Malaysia.

Haruslah try bath bomb!

Habis jalan, nak pergi Marina Bay, dengan dekat mermaid lion tu kannn. Naik MRT from Orchard, pergi Marina Bay. Line warna merah tu jugak. Rupanya baru tahu yang lion tu jauh gilaaaaaa kena jalan. Nangis. Tengok dari jauh je lah sebab tak kosser ok nak jalan.

Ala ada pakcik la pulak hahaaha.

Patutnya turun dekat Raffles Place (sebelum Marina Bay punya stop), baru lah boleh tengok Merlion tu dekat dekat. Siapa suruh tak survey! Lain kali turun situ tau!

Dah penat tengok Merlion dari jauh, nak pergi IMM dekat Jurong East sebab dia Singapore's largest outlet mall. Suami I lah nak pi tengok tengok barang. Naik MRT line warna hijau tu pulak pergi Jurong East. 

Lepastu baru sedar tak makan apa apa lagi, lapar sangat, cari fast food pastu kena make sure halal pulak. Beli ayam dua ketul dengan air, $10 kalau convert jadi RM30 cis mahal betul tau dakk.

Dah malam, from Jurong East, naik MRT line mrah tu pergi MRT Kranji semula sebab nak balik JB dah. Biasalah malam time time orang balik kerja kot, punya lah ramai orang, penat sangat nak melalui proses imigresan, dah la ramai orang, dalam bas kena berdiri, jam. Naik bas balik JB tu bas yang sama masa pergi, kos $1 = RM3. (Double harga)

Finally sampai pun JB semula. What a day. Padahal separuh hari je tapi berjalan non stop!

Apa lagi, rasmikan bath bomb lah!

Life is good.

Total JB-Singapore-JB by bus = RM4.50/sorang
MRT around $12 = RM36/sorang. Baik beli tourist pass tu $10 je.
Makan $10=RM30.

Tu je lah total spending. Tak sangka murah je naik bas dari JB pergi Singapore. (Tapi penat) (Penat gila) (Sumpah penat) 

[Review] Colourpop Lipsticks comparison!

Today, I'd like to review Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip, Ultra Satin Lip & the Lippie Stix! 

Colourpop has 4 ranges of lip products, which are:
1. Ultra Matte Lip (47 shades)
2. Ultra Satin Lip (24 shades)
3. Lippie Stix which has 8 finishings (Crème (4), Matte X (16), Satin Luxe (1), Sheer (8), Satin (10), Glossy (3), Matte (30), Pearlized (1))
4. Lippie Pencil (24 shades)

*based on their website click here!

Shades that I have, from left:
1. Lippie Stix in Lumiere (matte finish) (dusty mauve pink)
2. Lippie Stix in Cami (matte x finish) (natural mauve pink)
3. Ultra Satin Lip in Echo Park (warm peachy nude)
4. Ultra Matte Lip in Bumble (dusty warm terracota)
5. Ultra Matte Lip in Clueless (dusty mauve pink)

The swatches, form left: Lumiere, Cami, Echo Park, Bumble, Clueless

My Review

Ultra Matte Lip
Price: $6 so kalau convert its around RM25 tapi kalau beli oreder instashop, banyak yang preorder, the price range is RM 35-45. Kalau ready stock, normally RM50-60.

Dries completely matte. Bila pakai, cepat je dia dries to matte. Tak melekit bila pakai, does not transfer, kiss proof and veryyy pigmented. Long lasting, tahan lama sangat bila pakai. However, it's very drying, memang kena pakai lipbalm dulu, make sure to exfoliate your lips before applying, hard to remove at the end of the day like ya rabbi sakit jiwa sikit bila nak remove tu, kena tonyoh betul betul! Bila reapply, dia jadi flaky.

Overall, not my favourite formula although ramai orang suka sebab dia nampak beriya bila pakai and susah sangat nak remove so cam takpelah, tak minat sangat. If you are a lipstick junkie, you would probably love this but I'd prefer more natural lipstick hehe

Rate: 3.5/5

Ultra Satin Lip
Price: Same as UML

Comparing with UML, its not drying and moisturizing because of the finish satin, however memang transfer, tak kiss proof. It's very pigmented, warna cantik bila apply, so smooth. The formula is better than UML but, because the satin finish, rasa melekit sikit.

Rate: 4/5

Lippie stix matte 
Price: $5 so kalau convert, around RM20++. Boleh order dekat instashop around RM30++

The only reason why I bought this Lumiere Lippie Stix is because Kathleen Lights created it. Full coverage, very pigmented, matte finish but its not drying so takde lah kering sangat, still rasa moist and creamy. Kalau tengok tengok swatches dekat internet, it's more like a muted mauve, tapi bila pakai, jadi macam more to pink. (Alasan kulit melayu LOL)

Rate: 4/5 (sebab warna dia lari)

Me, in Lumiere

Kathleen Lights in Lumiere. Slightly different shade than I expected.

Lippie Stix Matte X
Price: $5 however tak banyak instashop yang buat preorder sebab this formula is the newest formula

Creamy and glides easily, easy to apply and takdelah dia bercapuk kering dekat bibir walaupun dia matte. Full coverage and very pigmented. Lightweight and comfortable, rasa macam selesa je dekat bibir, tak rasa macam berat sangat bila pakai and its not drying. Takde lah long lasting macam UML, kalau minum ok lagi, kalau makan, the inner lips dah hilang sikit lipstick dia. Kalau tak makan minum, yes long lasting. Transfer proof and kiss proof. Kalau try kiss belakang tangan, takde kesan sangat lah maksudnya. Love the formula!

Rate: 4.5/5

Me in Cami

Kathleen Lights in Cami (tak banyak sangat beza warna dia)

That's all. Thanks!

Resepi Quesadillas

Bahan bahan:
1. Wrap/tortilla
2. Minced beef/chicken
3. Mushroom (optional)
4. BBQ sauce
5. Parsley
6. Mozarella cheese
7. Parmesan cheese
8. Bawang merah

Cara cara:
1. Masukkan minyak, tumis bawang and masukkan mushroom

2. Masukkan minced beef, kacau sampai masak.

3. Masukkan BBQ sauce, parsley, garam sikit.

4. Masak sampai mendidih, siap. Ketepikan.

5. Panaskan kuali lain, letak wrap.

6. Tabur mozarella cheese

7. Letak daging BBQ tadi atas cheese

8. Tabur parmesan cheese pulak

9. Letak wrap atas tu, terbalikkan sampai garing sikit.

10. Angkat and potongkan.

Susun. Okay siap!