My weekly skincare routine! Yang ni I buat seminggu sekali je. Additional to my normal skincare routine.
I dah pernah update entry yang ni: My skincare routine (August 2017). About my skincare routine.
I also did a twitter thread about pores (Cara kecilkan pores): Click here
So anyways, lepas bersalinkan Maysaa, masa dalam pantang, I cuma buat cleanse and moisturize je. And I rasa I neglect banyak sangat benda, sampai I rasa area hidung ni naik banyak sangat blackhead. And pores makin visible. (Time tu I rasa it's blackhead lah. Bintik bintik atas hidung tu)
After I googled and do some readings, that is NOT blackhead. It's sebaceous filaments. BUKAN blackhead. Blackhead tu hitam, keras, timbul timbul.
And I found this blog: Click here to read and also here . Reallyyyyyy useful!
Basically, macam mana nak kecilkan pores? TAK BOLEH.
Tapi pores yg bersih, akan jadi tak nampak. Nampak macam kulit biasa. So kena makesure pores bersih, barulah pores tu tak nampak! Kalau ada banyak sangat kotoran, bacteria sampai pores tersumbat, sebab tu pores makin nampak besar. So, bersihkan pores!
That is why I did this weekly skincare routine, seminggu sekali. Just to focus on my pores.
Since I have dry (sometimes veryyy dry skin), I only focus this dekat area hidung SAHAJA. Bukan satu muka. I repeat, area hidung SAHAJA. And dekat dagu cause sometimes I rasa perlu. But if you have oily skin, nak buat the whole face pun takpe. My concern is only sebaceous filaments dekat area hidung ni je.
I do this routine in the morning, sebelum morning routine. Cari lah mana mana pagi yang free cause you need extra 45mins to do this routine.
What I use:
1. BHA - I use Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid
2. Clay mask - I use Innisfree Hydrating Clay Mask
3. Oil-based cleanser - I use Heimish All Clean Balm
I follow exactly how the blog suggested.
Buat waktu pagi, muka time tu of course dah bilas lepas ambil wuduk semua kan?
1. Apply BHA
2. Tunggu 20 minutes
3. Apply clay mask
4. Tunggu 10 minutes - I tak suka pakai clay mask lama lama, takut drying sangat
5. Bilas clay mask pakai air biasa.
6. Keringkan muka
7. Pakai oil-based cleanser
8. Continue with your normal skincare routine
The idea is,
BHA - boleh masuk sampai ke dalam pores and bersihkan segala pores tu, so biar dia dalam 20 mins untuk dia buat kerja
Clay mask - Lepas BHA dah bersihkan pores, kita pakai clay mask supaya kotoran kotoran tu dapat ditarik oleh clay mask
Oil based cleanser - Lepas kotoran semua dah ditarik, kita bersihkan semua pores kita guna oil based cleanser.
Our weekly routine. For oily skin (like my husband), nak buat satu muka pun takdehal.
For oily skin, this Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask is good.
Hasil dia, pores lagi bersih! Sebaceous filament makin kurang! Area hidung makin lembut. But of course, dia tak akan hilang selama lamanya. So buat lah seminggu sekali supaya boleh control sikit. I've done this for the past 4 months, and I am absolutely happy with the result. Tapi orang kata ada keluar grits, I tak ada pulak.
Read about it here
For pores, I also use niacinamide serum to minimize the appearance of my pores. Nanti I'll review about the serum pulak.
Frequently asked question
Boleh ke pakai oil based cleanser waktu pagi?
For this routine, boleh je. Only seminggu sekali.
Pakai oil based cleanser seminggu sekali je ke??
Tak, for this routine, I pakai oil cleanser pagi. Hari lain, malam sahaja.
Kalau nak buat malam, boleh ke? Macam mana?
What I'd suggest is.... Balik rumah, cuci muka pakai micellar water dulu, bagi kulit bersih from any makeups. Then, buat this routine, BHA - Clay Mask - Oil Cleanser. Lepastu continue with your night routine.
Bukan ke pakai clay mask lepas cuci muka and pakai toner?
Boleh juga. Cleanse - toner - clay mask - bilas - serum/moisturizer. Yang ni kalau nak pakai clay mask biasa biasa, taknak follow this routine.
Lepas pakai BHA, kena bilas ke?
Tak perlu.
Soooo, my normal daily skincare routine is like this:
Tapi seminggu sekali, it's like this:
Faham kan? Hope it helps!
That's all. Thanks for reading!