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Resepi Butter Chicken

1. Ayam potong kecik kecik
2. Tepung gandung dua sudu, campur dengan tepung jagung dua sudu, letak garam sikit
3. Telur
4. Daun kari
5. Bawang putih 4 ulas & bawang merah satu ulas
6. Butter
7. Susu pekat
8. Susu cair

Cara-cara dia:

1. Celup ayam dalam telur and celup dalam campuran tepung tadi.

2. Goreng sampai crispy. Api jangan besar sangat, nanti hangit pulak. Angkat and ketepikan.

3. Ambil kuali baru, cairkan butter. Tumis bawang. Potong cili padi kalau nak pedas sikit.

4. Masukkan daun kari. Lepastu susu pekat satu sudu. Dengan susu cair setengah tin. (Takde gambar sebab lupa tangkap hahaha). Masukkan air sikit. Kacau sampai mendidih.

5. Tuang kuah atas ayam yang dah goreng tadi.

Okay siap! Boleh makan dengan nasi. Serious sedap!

My study tips


1. Normally at the beginning of the semester, I'll print out my study planner. You can read about my study planner here.

2. Make sure you know your timetable, your course outline (things you'll learn for the whole semester) and also the textbook that you'll gonna use.

3. Tips: Kalau nak jimat, awal awal semester bila dah tahu nak pakai buku teks apa, go and borrow at the library. Kalau lambat ni confirm habis. Pinjam terus untuk satu semester! #Jimat . Tapi kalau pesen suka conteng buku teks tu, sila lah beli sendiri atau cari seniors yang jual buku second hand.

4. Kalau malas nak ada buku teks, download siap siap softcopy buku tu, including all the reference books that are list out in your course outline.

5. Find any seniors or friends, borrow or photostat their notes.


1. Log your class log everytime habis kelas. Tulis lecturer ajar topik apa, page berapa dekat your class log. One class log for one subject.

2. Write down any assignments to submit, quizzes or projects and the submission date.

3. Have a notebook to write all of notes during the class. Write the date for each class notes.

4. Kalau tak sempat salin, takpe. Biar kosong. Nanti time study nanti just fill in sendiri yang kosong kosong tu.

5. Always make sure your notes are up to date. Download semua learning materials yang lecturer bagi, letak dalam folder baik baik. Jangan nanti nak exam baru gelabah cari all your notes and materials.


1. List down all of the topics you need to study.

Kotak dekat tepi tu nanti tick bila dah habis study.

2. Set your goals. For example, one topic for one hour.

During the break, boleh lah check phone ke, scroll twitter ke instagram ke kejap

3. Have a study log. Set your alarm every 15 mins. Contohnya start study pukul 8.00pm. So pukul 8.15 alarm bunyi, tulis your progress. Lets say Chapter 1 ada 20 pages nak kena study. So buat log to make sure you are on track. 

Ni normal lah macam ni, banyak sangat alasan. Impian kemain tinggi, satu malam habis 4 chapter, padahal 2 chapter pun tak habis... My husband selalu annoyed asyik berbunyi je setiap 15 mins, sorry lah! I nak keep track. Hahaha.

This way, I'll feel macam ala membazirnya masa sebab tak fokus lepastu esok cuba dengan lebih gigih lagi and this method totally works for me! Bila time study, rasa cam alamak alarm dah nak bunyi, kena study banyak sangat supaya target tercapai!

4. After each chapter, do mind map supaya nampak dengan jelas.

Thats all from me, thanks! Kalau ada apa apa, ask me on askfm: imanabdulrahim :)

[Review] Silky Girl Matte Junkie Lip Cream

Hi! I super love matte lipsticks and apparently Silky Girl has this new Matte Junkie Lip Cream which I super love!

All five of them.

From top to bottom: 01 Retro, 02 Glamour, 03 Rebel, 04 Vintage and 06 Vixen.

I love the 04 Vintage!

What I'm wearing: 04 Vintage

You can get it at Guardian, for RM21.90. Searched it at Watsons tapi takde. Guardian je ada tapi mostly dah habis stock, kemain eh korang beli.

Update: It is finally available at Watson!

So the review.


  • Very pigmented. Applying only once is already enough!
  • Kissproof. Maksudnya lepas pakai, cuba try kiss tangan sendiri, warna dia tak melekat langsung! Which is so good.
  • Long lasting! Minum air tak hilang. Tapi kalau makan berminyak or sup, of course dia hilang sikit, so need to touch up.
  • Quite waterproof. Bila kena air, lepastu try gosok, tak hilang! Susah nak hilang.
  • Bila apply dekat bibir, dia terus dry to matte. Tak perlu tunggu lama untuk kering.
  • Very affordable!!


  • Bibir rasa kering so lipbalm is needed! But it's matte, all matte lipsticks are like that.
  • Hard to remove. Tapi takdelah susah macam Colourpop UML, yang tu paling susah!

I really recommend this. Besttttt!!!! 4.8/5.0.

If you have any questions, you can ask me at my askfm: imanabdulrahim :)

Thanks for reading xxx

My Peach Resume

I instagram this a while ago, and many girls asked me how did I do this. So this blogpost is the answer :)

First of all, you need a Microsoft Publisher.

Secondly, you need some inspirations. My inspirations are from pinterest. There are A LOT of pretty resumes! Just search "resume design" and you'll be rambang mata nak semua!

Next, when you have the idea on how your "pretty" resume will look like, you can start your project. 

Just draw the text box, type in your name and majoring. Insert your picture too!

Insert text box, type in all your details, susun cantik cantik. For the icon, (envelopes, mobile phone, location), just google it, copy and paste it. For example, the envelope,

Just google "envelope icon", the pilih bentuk mana yang suka, copy, paste it in your project.

And then, right click on the icon, click format picture, then recolor it to the colour that you want. I choose peach.

Search other icons and repeat the steps above. Susun cantik cantik dekat tepi tu.

Next, for languages proficiency, it would be boring if you just put 5/5 ke, 4/5 ke, so I decided to use bullets. 

And then, just change the color of the bullet one by one (sila gigih ya). If the first language is 5/5, make all the bullets peach, kalau yang tak, buat grey. Depends on you.

I did the same for the skill part. Just list all your skills and do the bullet part.

For the other parts (Activities, Achievements, Projects), just use the normal text box and type all the details. I make sure that my line spacing is 0pt untuk jimatkan ruang.

My actual resume. Since it's just a resume, I only put important and relevant info only.

Save the your publisher project as pdf. And then when you want to apply for any jobs, just send the pdf version. TADAAAA

Disclaimer: I didn't use this resume untuk apply kerja betul betul. I only used this resume for my internship application. Untuk apply kerja lepas graduate, I used a CV, not resume. And my CV is only a simple black and white, formal template. 

Difference between CV and resume: Resume is only a brief summary of your skills and experiences. CV is more detail. For example, in the project part, I only write what project that I did. In my CV, I explain more about the project, what are the objectives, the software that I used, the skills that I obtained. 

If you have anyting to ask, just ask me at askfm: imanabdulrahim :)

How to score A+ in Add Maths SPM

This tips can also be applicable for other subjects!

1. Develop your love. In order to fall in love, you need to find the attraction. Find the attraction. Find the reason why you love Add Maths. Because you've always wanted to be an engineer ke, because you just want that self satisfaction, because you feel that people who understands Add Maths is sexier ke, haaa suka hati

2. Determination. Don't give up easily. Prove to people that it is possible to get A+. Have a vision board. "Get A+ in Add Maths SPM. #lifegoals". Out of so many life goals, include getting A+ in Add Maths as your goals.

3. Understand not memorize. Understand where and how to use the formulas. Understand the concept so that if you are given any numbers, you'll know. Understand everything. Dia macam kalau lelaki nak faham perempuan kan susah, tapi bila dah faham, semua jadi smooth je. Sama lah macam Add Maths, bila dah faham, bagi lah soalan apa pun, senang je nak selesaikan.

3. Practice. Beli buku yang topikal, sebab dia akan bagi soalan untuk setiap topik dengan lebih mendalam. Buy books that have complete solution, not only the final answer so you know how to solve the problem step by step. Tak ada lah tension, "MACAM MANA BOLEH DAPAT JAWAPAN MACAM NI???" Lepas tu stress sorang sorang.

4. Practice past year papers. Trial papers. Timing yourself like you're in the exam. If you can't do it, just flip through the answers. Don't waste your time trying things you don't even know or understand. Membazir masa je.

5. Buy literally all the exercise books at the bookstore. If you can't afford it, go to the library, borrow from you friends and photostat them, ask your seniors or ask your teachers for extra exercises and do it RELIGIOUSLY. Masa lepas PMR dulu, sementara tunggu nak masuk Form 4, I bought a lot of exercise books because people have been saying Add Maths susah gila, takde harapan, so I don't want to prove them right, I want to prove that Add Maths sebenarnya boleh je nak dapat A+.

6. Practice a lot of times until you are familiar with the questions. Do Add Maths as if its your hobby. Dedicate two hours every weekdays to do Add Maths and maybe five hours during the weekend. You'll cry, you'll be stressed out, but it's gonna be worth it. Lepas ni bukak je soalan, dah tahu macam mana nak jawab. Dah nampak dah jalan kerja dalam kepala.

7. Try Wolfram Alpha. It is one of the best website where you can type in all your questions and it will give you the solution.

Literally everything from Algebra, Calculus, Trigo. Just type in the question.

For example, you want to factorize. It will give you the step by step solution.

The best!

My parents never believed in tuition so when I was Form 4, of course literally everyone pergi tuition and there's me, orang yang tak pernah pergi tuition but of course, there are many other sources you can learn especially from the internet, as long as you are rajin enough nak search satu satu. But trust me, it will be worth it.

8. Youtube! You can just search all the step by step solution on youtube.

9. Find your go-to person. The person you can ask every time you have any difficulties. Either your teacher, your mum, you dad, your kakak, your abang, your seniors, your friends, any one yang sanggup ajar ajar satu dengan penuh kasih sayang.

10. Finally after all the effort, don't forget to doa and tawakkal. Ask redha from your parents and your teacher. InsyaAllah, you can do it. All the best!

If you have any question, you can ask at my askfm: imanabdulrahim :)