1. Normally at the beginning of the semester, I'll print out my study planner. You can read about my study planner here.
2. Make sure you know your timetable, your course outline (things you'll learn for the whole semester) and also the textbook that you'll gonna use.
3. Tips: Kalau nak jimat, awal awal semester bila dah tahu nak pakai buku teks apa, go and borrow at the library. Kalau lambat ni confirm habis. Pinjam terus untuk satu semester! #Jimat . Tapi kalau pesen suka conteng buku teks tu, sila lah beli sendiri atau cari seniors yang jual buku second hand.
4. Kalau malas nak ada buku teks, download siap siap softcopy buku tu, including all the reference books that are list out in your course outline.
5. Find any seniors or friends, borrow or photostat their notes.
1. Log your class log everytime habis kelas. Tulis lecturer ajar topik apa, page berapa dekat your class log. One class log for one subject.
2. Write down any assignments to submit, quizzes or projects and the submission date.
3. Have a notebook to write all of notes during the class. Write the date for each class notes.
4. Kalau tak sempat salin, takpe. Biar kosong. Nanti time study nanti just fill in sendiri yang kosong kosong tu.
5. Always make sure your notes are up to date. Download semua learning materials yang lecturer bagi, letak dalam folder baik baik. Jangan nanti nak exam baru gelabah cari all your notes and materials.
1. List down all of the topics you need to study.
Kotak dekat tepi tu nanti tick bila dah habis study.
2. Set your goals. For example, one topic for one hour.
During the break, boleh lah check phone ke, scroll twitter ke instagram ke kejap
3. Have a study log. Set your alarm every 15 mins. Contohnya start study pukul 8.00pm. So pukul 8.15 alarm bunyi, tulis your progress. Lets say Chapter 1 ada 20 pages nak kena study. So buat log to make sure you are on track.
Ni normal lah macam ni, banyak sangat alasan. Impian kemain tinggi, satu malam habis 4 chapter, padahal 2 chapter pun tak habis... My husband selalu annoyed asyik berbunyi je setiap 15 mins, sorry lah! I nak keep track. Hahaha.
This way, I'll feel macam ala membazirnya masa sebab tak fokus lepastu esok cuba dengan lebih gigih lagi and this method totally works for me! Bila time study, rasa cam alamak alarm dah nak bunyi, kena study banyak sangat supaya target tercapai!
4. After each chapter, do mind map supaya nampak dengan jelas.
Thats all from me, thanks! Kalau ada apa apa, ask me on askfm: imanabdulrahim :)