All five of them.
From top to bottom: 01 Retro, 02 Glamour, 03 Rebel, 04 Vintage and 06 Vixen.
I love the 04 Vintage!
What I'm wearing: 04 Vintage
You can get it at Guardian, for RM21.90. Searched it at Watsons tapi takde. Guardian je ada tapi mostly dah habis stock, kemain eh korang beli.
Update: It is finally available at Watson!
So the review.
- Very pigmented. Applying only once is already enough!
- Kissproof. Maksudnya lepas pakai, cuba try kiss tangan sendiri, warna dia tak melekat langsung! Which is so good.
- Long lasting! Minum air tak hilang. Tapi kalau makan berminyak or sup, of course dia hilang sikit, so need to touch up.
- Quite waterproof. Bila kena air, lepastu try gosok, tak hilang! Susah nak hilang.
- Bila apply dekat bibir, dia terus dry to matte. Tak perlu tunggu lama untuk kering.
- Very affordable!!
- Bibir rasa kering so lipbalm is needed! But it's matte, all matte lipsticks are like that.
- Hard to remove. Tapi takdelah susah macam Colourpop UML, yang tu paling susah!
I really recommend this. Besttttt!!!! 4.8/5.0.
If you have any questions, you can ask me at my askfm: imanabdulrahim :)
Thanks for reading xxx