Today I am going to do a sheet mask review! I bought this sebab ada banyak good reviews so I decided to give it a try.
Product Name: Naruko Raw Job's Tears
Product Brand: Naruko
Product Type: Sheet Mask
Price: RM5.90 per piece (25g)
Availability: All nationwide Watsons stores
Made in: Taiwan
1. Brighten dull complexion
2. Evens out skin tone for radiant skin
3. Minimize and refine pores
4. Provides intense long lasting hydration
Availability: All nationwide Watsons stores
Made in: Taiwan
1. Brighten dull complexion
2. Evens out skin tone for radiant skin
3. Minimize and refine pores
4. Provides intense long lasting hydration
How to use?
Use after cleanser. (And after toner, essence, serum if you have)
1. Unfold mask and remove white backing
2. Align mask from top to bottom
2. Leave on about 15 - 20 minutes and remove it -- Do not use it overnight tau
3. Massage/Dab your face gently for better absorption.
Naruko Raw Job's Tears sheet mask review
Material: Soft and thin tapi tak senang nak koyak. Ada selapis plastik untuk protect the mask so remove the plastic first, then apply dekat muka.

Essence: Clear, generously soaked tapi tak dripping selekeh menitik nitik bila keluarkan daripada packaging dia.
Scent: Smells like barley!
Fit: The fit is just nice to cover all my face, however bahagian hidung tu kecik sikit, cover 1/3 je hidung, I don't know why...
Adherence: Melekat kuat jugak, tak slippery and bila tunduk lama lama pun, mask tak jatuh sangat. Quite good.
Lepas 2-3 minutes pakai, I rasa pedih. Tapi takde la pedih gila sampai kena remove. I don't really know what is the trigger. Maybe because of the fragrance. It's uncomfortable. Tapi tak irritate, tak ada merah merah apa. Cuma tak selesa je lah. Not a pleasant experience.
Brighten dull complexion? A bit
Evens out skin tone for radiant skin? A bit
Minimize and refine pores? Tak nampak sangat
Provides intense long lasting hydration? Not really tapi ok la
Bila bangun pagi, tak ada jerawat naik, tak breakout, my skin looks okay. No negative effect sangat.
If you don't have sensitive skin, you can try this sebab ramai yang suka, ramai jugak yang kata memang pedih pun. It depends on you.
Will I repurchase?
Hehe nope!
That's all, thanks for reading!
(Disclaimer: This is not a paid/sponsored review. I bought all the products using my own money. Every skin is different. What works for me, might not work for you. This is just my personal experience)