Shopping Experience With SGShop
What is SGShop?
SGshop is a cross border shopping and shipping e-commerce, for Malaysians to buy products from China and ship to Malaysia with our website and mobile apps. SGshop’s services are widely used by consumers across cities and kampung, as well as business owners in Malaysia.
What are the new feature updates?
1. New web interface optimised for user-friendliness with responsive mobile web design.
Here is the new user friendly website.
2. There is Bahasa Malaysia as one of display language! Language option can be found in menu when using mobile web browser, or top left corner when using desktop web browser.
The Bahasa Melayu version.
3. Search product with photo. Whenever you see something interested, just snap a photo and search for similar product on the website. Terus boleh compare harga. This feature can be found on the camera icon in search bar.
Contohnya I cari summer dress. I just upload je gambar yang berkenan lepastu dia akan display barang yang lebih kurang sama. Best gila okay feature ni!
4. SHIOK shipping program was introduced since Nov 2018, which is a subscription-based program to help our users to ship bigger parcel with lower shipping rate, with subscription fee as low as RM0.52 per day. In short, with SHIOK you can ship parcel above 3KG with 30% shipping fee discount.
Contoh bila guna SHIOK Membership.
How does Buy-For-Me works:
Step 1: Search product with photo, keyword or URL.
Step 2: Add product to cart and checkout. This is the first payment for Buy-For-Me, which the payment will be used to purchase product from China Seller.
My cart
Step 3: When the product arrives at our China warehouse, you will be notified to pay for second payment, which is to submit delivery from China to your address in Malaysia.
**Note: Parcel value below RM500 will not impose import duty and taxes at Malaysian Customs; However, if parcel is valued above RM500 (Product price + shipping fee + Insurance), it is very likely to impose import duty on you.
Now, just wait for your parcel to arrive!
Senang je kan, nak beli barang dari China?
To sum it up:
1. Placed my order: 12th March
2. Items arrived at the warehouse and submit delivery to Malaysia: 26th March (2 weeks)
3. Items arrived: 22nd April (6 weeks after I placed my order)
I bought some toys and clothes for Maysaa. Kalau nak beli barang yang tak urgent, okay je nak tunggu for 6 weeks and harga pun affordable sangat!
If you wanna buy from SGShop, you can visit
For more information,