MUJI skincare line is one of the line that I really wanted to try tapi takut sebab there's no legit reviews online yang I faham. Maybe ada, but it's in Japan lah kot. Tapi tak apa, I decided to try je lah. The first product that I tried was the moisturizing milk which I really love! The second one is the toning water which for me, biasa biasa je. So today, I would like to share the reviews on MUJI Oil Cleansing.
Let's start with the ingredient list.
Malas nak taip satu satu semula haha. Baca je lah kat atas tu. Dah lah kertas tu melekat, stress nak pisahkan dia! I love the sensitive skin series ni sebab dia no fragrance, no mineral oil, no alcohol. Dia also claim no paraben tapi I okay je with paraben.
It's a good and basic cleansing oil, contains olive oil, jojoba seed oil, hybrid sunflower oil. Potensi untuk kulit sensitive dengan oils ni rendah, tapi ada juga yang tak sesuai. It also claims 100% botanical so tak perlu risau lah about animal derivatives ataupun halal ke tak. Tak ada sumber haiwan kat sini.
I bought the 50ml size for RM16.90 which is quite expensive lah sebab drugstore boleh dapat harga lebih kurang with a bigger size. The texture is quite thin actually, tak ada lah rasa thick macam gel cleanser.
The smell is almost the same as the normal olive oil. Kalau biasa bau olive oil untuk masak, ha macam tu lah. Sebab dia tak ada fragrance so jangan haraplah nak ada bau wangi. (Macam Senka, bau wangi macam shampoo haha)
Since it contains emollients, senang nak bilas oil cleanser ni berbanding guna 100% oil. Kalau guna pure oil yang tak ada emollients, sometimes susah nak hilangkan minyak minyak kat muka tu kan. Emulsify makeup pun senang, even waterproof makeup pun hilang.
Macam biasa, I guna this oil cleanser as my first cleanser and buat double cleansing method. You can read about double cleansing method here: Double Cleansing Method
Double cleansing method tu maksudnya, cuci muka dua kali. Yang pertama pakai oil based cleanser, yang kedua pakai water based cleanser biasa.
I like double cleansing method sebab guna oil cleanser untuk dissolve segala sunscreen and makeups yang I dah pakai waktu siang. Kalau I duduk rumah je and tak pakai sunscreen / makeups, I tak buat pun double cleansing method. Pakai cleanser biasa je dah cukup.
Cara nak guna:
1. Make sure tangan and muka kering. Tuang lah banyak mana yang sesuai.
2. Gosok slow slow sampai semua makeups dissolve and hilang.
3. Tambah air sikit sikit and bilas sampai bersih.
Hasil dia, makeups semua hilang and bersih.
What I love about this MUJI Oil Cleansing:
1. The formula tak buat kulit jadi lagi kering
2. The ingredients are good, no fragrance, no mineral oil etc. Good for sensitive skin.
3. No weird smell
4. Removes sunscreen and waterproof makeups easily and it emulsifies pretty good
5. Tak buat mata jadi cloudy (kabur) macam Hada Labo Oil Cleanser.
6. Tak ada rasa melekit / oily residue lepas guna. Kiranya air mampu bilas semua minyak minyak tapi seeloknya guna water based cleanser jugak supaya lebihan minyak tu tak sumbatkan pores.
Who will like this?
Everyone yang tak sensitive with the ingredients
Who will not like this?
Orang yang memang tak suka pakai oil-based cleanser.....
That's all, thanks for reading!
(Disclaimer: This is not a paid/sponsored review. I bought all the products using my own money. Every skin is different. What works for me, might not work for you. This is just my personal experience)