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5 Korean Beauty Brands To Start With (Malaysia)

Why Korean skincare?
I love using Korean skincare because it focuses on hydration and healthy glow. Kalau sekarang, orang panggil glass skin atau chok chok skin (which means bouncy soft skin lah gitu).

Skincare 101: Alcohol in skincare


Kalau dalam dunia skincare, alcohol ni salah satu ingredient yang banyak kontroversi.

Cerave Hydrating Cleanser Review

This cleanser has been on my wishlist for quite a long time! So here is my review.

Watsons Facial Mask Review

I saw these masks at Watsons and I rasa cute, so I beli je lah haha. So this is my thoughts on them.

The Body Shop Rose Dewy Glow Face Mist Review

Since it's almost raya, face mist is one of the most important thing for me! Actually kalau travel, I rasa face mist ni salah satu benda yang penting sebab asal penat je, I spray.

So harini nak share about The Body Shop Rose Dewy Glow Face Mist